Alessandro Novelli's animation short film "De Imperio" has been selected for the International Competition Pardi di Domani of the 76th Locarno Film Festival, where it will make its world première. The project was screened as part of the Porto/Post/Doc 2022 Industry Screenings, which were exclusive screenings for programmers from some of the most major film festivals.
"De Imperio" (2023, Portugal/Spain, ANI, 13 min), directed by Alessandro Novelli, produced by the BAP - Animation Studio, and co-produced by Studio Kimchi, is the final installment of the "Deconstruction" trilogy on the human condition. Following "The Guardian" and "Contact", this final chapter explores into the dynamics and relationships between power and society via the lens of a metaphorical surreal realm. The film employs a variety of approaches, with most scenes and motions created in traditional 2D and some in 3D, and the hand-animated characters are painted frame by frame.
The film is distributed by Agência - Portuguese Short Film Agency.