
Visão do Paraíso

Visão do Paraíso · Vision of Paradise

Leonardo Pirondi

2022, BRA, 16', M12

Cinema Falado 2023

18 Nov 2023 · Batalha Centro de Cinema - Room 2 · 21H00

22 Nov 2023 · Batalha Centro de Cinema - Room 1 · 17H00

EN screening1

 EN screening2 

Navigations to the "New World" pushed the boundaries of Western knowledge. The maps of the time mixed descriptions of geographical reality with imaginary mythologising. Vision of Paradise follows the voyage of the Brazilian Navy in search of a legendary island, allegedly found in 1483, to the west of Ireland. On the fine line between the real, the simulated and the imagined, the film reflects on the possibilities of virtual reality as a tool for giving "new worlds to the world".