
Eles Transportan a Morte

Eles Transportan a Morte · They Carry Death

Helena Girón, Samuel M. Delgado

2021, ES, CO, 75', M12

International Competition 2021

25 Nov 2021 · TM Rivoli, Grande Auditório · 21H30

27 Nov 2021 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 18H30

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It’s 1492, and travelling among the crew captained by Christopher Columbus are three men who should be dead by now, but land on the Canary Islands instead. Meanwhile, a woman seeks a healer to save her sister from illness. Two attempts to cheat death. The directing duo Girón-Delgado’s tale of historical revisionism is a reflection on the origins – colonial, slave-owning and exploiter of resources – of the western world, which is also a sensory journey into the mystical foundations of our society.