
The Station

A Estação · The Station

Leart Rama

2017, UNK, 11', M12

We’ve Only Just Begun: Kosovo Stories 2018

30 Nov 2018 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 16H30

Lake Fierza, high mountains on both sides and a small boat that breaks the silence of this small part of the world. Some movements can be seen. From a distance, the boat looks at people coming down from the top of the mountains and patiently waiting for the only transport that connects them with the rest of the world, almost unknown to them.

JOINT SESSION - Buy your ticket for this session, on 30/11 (16:30) at Bilheteira Online.

Daniel Mulloy
2016, Kosovo/Reino Unido, 20’
The Station
Leart Rama
2017, Kosovo, 11’
Sans le Kosovo
Dea Gjinovci
2017, Kosovo/UK, 21’
Kaltrina Krasniqi
2018, Kosovo, 18’