
Ejercicios de Memoria

Exercícios de Memória · Memory Exercises

Paz Encina

2016, ARG, PRY, DEU, QAT, 70', M12

Archive and Post-Memory 2017

02 Dec 2017 · TM Rivoli, Pequeno Auditório · 21H00

Buy your ticket for 02/12 (21:00) at Bilheteira Online.

The first image is a river and a child entering into the water. We are already in the melancholic and rural universe of the Paz Encina cinema. But under this lull, which is only apparent, the stories of the children of Agustín Goiburú, a political opponent of the 35-year dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner, who, during his state terrorist regime, tortured, killed and made disappear more of 128 thousand Paraguayans. Three children who have never had childhood report their history of exile and terror while the mother leaning over a window waits for her husband who will never arrive. (António Pinto Ribeiro)

This film is screened with Estlihaços, by José Miguel Ribeiro.